How much does EDDM cost?

Every Door Direct mail (EDDM) cost :

EDDM houstonNow that you made the decision to send Every Door Direct Mail pieces to your desired area of coverage the big question is : How much does EDDM cost ?

It sure costs less than traditional Direct Mail post cards or letters; currently the cost of each EDDM mail piece is ¢16 (sixteen cents). This is a fixed rate for now. Before 2013 it used to be ¢14.5 per piece. But with this ¢1.5 increase it’s still one of the best and most affordable means to reach your customers and introduce your business or specials to the neighborhood.


That is just the cost of postage. the other charges that is incurred is :

  • Printing charge
  • Preparation and handling charge (optional – You can take care of this part by yourself. Although it’s not a complicated process,  it worth to ask a specialist to take care of this part and save you from the headache).

At Idea Graphic Design we don’t charge for the first 3 orders of new customers on preparation and handling the mail pieces. You just pay the printing and the postage.

So to make the long story short about “The cost of EDDM postage” :

USPS charges ¢16 per mail-piece on Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service.


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